Tesla Innovation Logo


Connecting our diverse community to facilitate innovation and invention across a wide variety of areas.



Facilitating the different Nikola Tesla admirers and scholars to continue His legacy of creating “Innovation for Humanity”.

This multifaceted platform will attract and assemble an ever increasing network of synergistic members.

learn more about us

Why Nikola Tesla?

The Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute is a unique member-based community that believes that all things are connected in the Universe and we utilize this concept to achieve specific goals in both our personal and professional lives.

Nikola Tesla was a prime example of doing this, so we named our Institute dedicated to innovation after such a prolific inventor who was also a true Humanitarian. Tesla utilized a wide variety of disciplines and sources of previous knowledge to become one of the greatest and inspirational innovators of all time.


structural overview


“He kept opening up the formal Foundational boundaries towards the ‘Transcendental Space’ where there are no borders between science, art, nature, and spiritually. All of the greatest geniuses have worked in this Transcendental Space”.

– Andrej Detela


initial Plan of action

We are inviting you to become a member of our community of scientists, artists, musicians, healers, naturalists, humanitarians, amongst others who develop a synergistic network that will manifest and utilize the integrative well-being / community/ facility and the fully-immersive productions to help manifest our individual goals and the goals of the institute. This document goes into the details of the fully-immersive production company and the medicine wheel project.

View full plan of action and initial projects

Membership Plans

Our membership is all-inclusive, meaning all are welcome. We focus on positive manifestation for each individual that results in a more harmonic institute as a whole.

Start Riding the Lightning!

We are inviting you to become part of our community of scientists, artists, musicians, healers, naturalists, humanitarians, and other open-minded spiritually connected members. We are developing a synergistic healing membership network that creates a functioning ‘Medicine Wheel’ for both people and our beloved pets.

Why the time is now to become member of the ️Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute?


Membership Fees Help Fund

  • Full/ New Moon Gatherings
  • Development of prototypes
  • Facility Rental /Acquisition
  • Location Upgrading costs
  • NTII Merchandise
  • NTII Products: Tesla Body Energizer, Structured Water Containers

 1 year membership plan is tax deductible as a 501-C (3)  with the IRS.  Additional donations and merchandise are available to support our cause.


Fill out the contact form or call us to learn more about Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute.

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