I am writing this introduction to the Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute ️ with a quotes from Friedrich Nietshze & Nikola Tesla that l think they are very appropriate. Because everything truly is connected. I consider it a scientific fact that leads you to realize that if everything and everyone is connected, then everything & everyone ‘matters’.
And if that is the case, then it is necessary to continually explore/ positively connect to our entire continuum of what we are surrounded by and exposed to. Otherwise – we will stop expanding through Spiritual, personal, professional, physical, & emotional development/evolution.
And if we stop moving forward on our ‘Personal Journey’, then we will not be keeping up with the movement of the Universe.
This is becomes intuitive if you understand that everything inside you and surrounding you is moving right now.
Time never stays still, neither should you !!
Becoming a member of the Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute is a great way to connect, evolve and expand while having FUN in the process. Because l will conclude with a quote of my own:
“Without Fun, then life is useless”.
- Ken Nekic