Plan of Initial Action
Development of a Membership Community
Connecting NTII members together in a fun, synergistic way that facilitates and supports innovation through the development and completion of projects that can evolve into new companies that benefit all of humanity and the environment.
Stimulating Innovative Teamwork
- Inspire Action
- Instill Confidence
- Empowering Purpose
- Embrace Change
Initial Projects
- Pet Rescue- Supporting ongoing pet rescue operations of the James Herriot Mobile Veterinary Services and Ken Nekic DVM. Through a network of foster homes and the homeless people taking care of homeless pets at the proposed pet rescue facility.
- Medicine Wheel- 32 healing categories with the union of Western medicine completes the wheel of 33 options for fully integrated self care & well being. A separate “Medicine Wheel” will be set up for both pets and people.
- Fully Immersive Production Company-
Synergistically connecting sounds waves, music, healing frequencies, art, images, inspirational words, sacred geometry, geodes & crystals to create more possibilities within the
multiple fully immersive experience applications such as: Educational, Healing, Entertainment, Mini-Pitch/Basketball Court etc.
The Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute Functional Overview
The long term goal is to coordinate everything together as one large functional unit similar to an American University or European Institute.
Where we synergistically coordinate the different components together in the ‘Real World’, instead of all the different categories being separated, compartmentalized, and disconnected. ***The complex situations that lead to Homelessness and living in poverty will not be properly addressed until each individual has an opportunity to connect with all the different things they need to function at their highest level. That means supporting their mental, physical, intellectual, financial, emotional, & Spiritual Well-Being.
We plan on doing this in a fun & inspirational way, as well.
The ‘Medicine Wheel Project’ will be coordinated by the Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute & the James Herriot Mobile Veterinary Service that develops a Fully Integrated Well-Being community that operates a facility in Columbus, Ohio where Pet Rescue Operations are incorporated into everything that we do. We will utilize an innovative workforce that incorporates staff, volunteers, and students who work alongside individuals who live in poverty or are homeless. This will set up these individuals for success who need support to elevate themselves to a higher functioning level. We can provide these jobs by obtaining the proper private, governmental, and corporate sponsorship & grants that allow us to hire them as part of a work force in the Family & Pet Homeless Shelters, Fully-Immersive Hotel, Canine & Feline Blood Banks, Soup Kitchen, Restaurant, Furniture repurposing/ thrift store, Smoothie Bar & Health Food Store, Etc.
Medicine Wheel
The “Medicine Wheel” includes 32 categories of alternative healing working with Western medicine utilizing healing devices, products, supplements, and modalities. This facilitates therapeutic and preventative protocols for both people and pets.
The Four Main Sections of the “Medicine Wheel” Are:
- Tesla Legacy Healing Technologies
Tesla was a genius inventor and scientist, whose contribution to medicine is remarkable. Tesla’s greatest impact on medicine is his invention of a transformer (Tesla coil) for producing high frequency and high voltage currents (Tesla currents). These are now used in various medical devices to assist the body’s healing ability.
- Earth Based Medicine
This category gives acknowledgement to the variety of supportive healing that nature supplies us with through herbs, flowers, sunlight and the earth itself.
- Eastern Medicine
This group of protocols is a little less known to our Western ways but nonetheless important to support us on our healing journey.
- Spiritually Based Healing/Well Being
This reminds us to spend time going within for healing that can only be done by quiet contemplation and meditation.
The institute has 3 main functions for furthering Tesla’s Medical legacy:
1.Connecting people to the information about Nikola Tesla himself and the energy and frequency healing technologies he helped to advance during his lifetime.
- Give people the opportunity to experience these healing possibilities.
- Give people the opportunity to become part of the community that incorporates these healing options into their lives in whichever manner they see fit.
How the “Medicine Wheel” Functions:
The ‘Medicine Wheel Project’ will be coordinated by the Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute & the James Herriot Mobile Veterinary Service that develops a Fully Integrated Well-Being community that operates a facility in Columbus, Ohio where Pet Rescue Operations are incorporated into everything that we do. We will utilize an innovative workforce that incorporates staff, volunteers, and students who work alongside individuals who live in poverty or are homeless. This will set up these individuals for success who need support to elevate themselves to a higher functioning level. We can provide these jobs by obtaining the proper private, governmental, and corporate sponsorship & grants that allow us to hire them as part of a work force in the Family & Pet Homeless Shelters, Fully-Immersive Hotel, Canine & Feline Blood Banks, Soup Kitchen, Restaurant, Furniture repurposing/ thrift store, Smoothie Bar & Health Food Store, Etc.
The “Medicine Wheel” provides access to:
The “Medicine Wheel” provides access to a fully integrated Community & Facility where there are all 33 categories of healing & Well-Being for the Mind, Body, Spirit & Emotions that includes modern western medicine, but also includes many other modalities, devices, supplements, surrounding a large Zen Garden that is equipped with a ScalarWave Energy Enhancement Vortex. Where the water, food, and the body all receive extra Energy through BioHealing wavelengths that stimulate your mitochondria in each cell along with your immune system function.
The operations of these facilities will use cutting edge
Clinical Research to develop integrated therapeutic protocols for both People & Pets !!
Pet Rescue Project
We are proposing to both homeless shelter boards for both people and pets in Franklin County, Ohio the creation of 2 homeless shelters that work together. The concept is to utilize the homeless shelter for people as a workforce to care for, operate and maintain the homeless shelter for pets. While the homeless shelter for people will allow individuals and families who are utilizing the facility to bring their pets with them and or socialize some of the homeless pets there as well. This concept of allowing pets to stay with or be with those staying at the homeless shelter for people does not currently exist. So we are proposing to have the “Medicine Wheel” Well Being facility as part of that location to support both shelters. This will allow us to conduct clinical research on the benefits of a fully integrated wellness programs that harmoniously involve both people and pets.
So we envision involving veterans, homeless individuals and families along with people living in poverty to have access to all 3 facilities to support them to fulfill their goals and enhance their lives.
Fully Immersive Production Company
The Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute is currently developing a Fully-Immersive Experience Production Company that will utilize a collaborative, highly skilled workforce to manifest the multiple applications of this concept of combining art, music, healing frequencies & healing sound waves that are choreographed with inspiring or educational images.
This for profit company will be a partner of the Nikola Tesla Innovation Institute that develops, fabricates, & designs different applications of integrative experiences where the 4 walls, the ceiling & floors all have coordinated visual images that are choreographed with sacred geometry, healing sound waves, and ScalarWave Energy Enhancement technology in an entertaining & inspiring way.